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The urgent call for innovation and investment in maternal health
October 28, 2023
Women’s health remains one of the most underfunded, under-researched, and underserved areas of investment and study.
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What does venture capital have against femtech?
September 28, 2023
Tech companies building products that focus on women’s health still struggle to attract VC funding.
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A Genetic Snapshot Could Predict Preterm Birth
Doctors are trying out a simple blood test to screen for some common pregnancy complications.
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Mirvie selected for Norrsken's 2023 Impact/100 List
Don’t you know there are literally thousands of people out there working on mind-blowing solutions to the world’s greatest challenges? That’s why we’ve created the Impact/100. It’s a list of the world’s most promising impact startups, as chosen by Norrsken and our partners. You could say a lot about them, but it’s basically this: It's 100 ways to fix the future.
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Maternal mortality rate in 2021 significantly higher than previous years
March 23, 2023
The maternal death rate significantly increased in 2021, with rates among Black people more than double that of their white counterparts, according to data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.
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Can precision pregnancy save more mothers?
August 15, 2023
“Tragic,” “heartbreaking,” and “totally preventable,” is how experts describe the death of 32-year-old American sprinter Tori Bowie in early May. But few are surprised that it happened, given the abysmal state of maternal healthcare in the U.S.
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Mirvie receives $4.6 million grant from The Gates Foundation to study preeclampsia, a Leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide
August 3, 2023
Mirvie, a pioneer in predicting unexpected pregnancy complications, today announced a $4.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support the company’s efforts to predict unexpected pregnancy complications before they happen by revealing the underlying biology of each pregnancy for women on a global scale.
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America is failing its moms. Fathers can help change that
June 18, 2023
"We need more support from men and non-birthing parents alike — from scientists in the lab, researchers in the field, policymakers in all levels of government, and founders and investors with a passion for improving health — to achieve the universal mission of creating a world where every pregnancy is as safe and healthy as possible."
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Olympic medalist Tori Bowie died in childbirth. What to know about maternal mortality, eclampsia and other labor complications.
June 15, 2023
"Tori's death exemplifies so many aspects of the challenges we face today in maternal health in the U.S.," says Dr. Alison Cowan, an OB-GYN and head of medical affairs at the health technology company Mirvie.
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Experts outline comprehensive preeclampsia prevention
May 1, 2023
A new report details a comprehensive strategy to prevent preeclampsia, which affects about 250,000 pregnant women a year in the United States and 10 million worldwide.
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